Our Lab

“If there’s a Will, there’s a way” -Lab motto, 2021

“If there’s a Will, there’s a way” -Lab motto, 2021

william greenleaf, Phd

Principal Investigator (PI)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry, Harvard University

PhD Applied Physics, Stanford University

Dip Computer Science, Cambridge University, UK


CV file

Administrative Assistant: Soon il Higashino (sijh@stanford.edu)

PhD Student (Genetics), NSF GRScB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Brown Universitybgrd@stanford.edu

PhD Student (Genetics), NSF GRFP Fellow

ScB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Brown University


Ben Doughty

PhD Student (Genetics); NSF

PhD Student (Cancer Biology), NSF Fellow, Joint: Mike BassikBA Biology, Columbia Universitycrzhang@stanford.edu

PhD Student (Cancer Biology), NSF Fellow, joint: Mike Bassik

BA Biology, Columbia University


Catherine Zhang

PhD Student (Cancer Biology); NSF

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD in Molecular Biology, Princeton University

B.S. in Biological Sciences, Tsinghua University


Guanhua He

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Student (Computer Science), NSF GRFP Fellow, joint: Jesse Engreitz

BA Computer Science, Rice University


Jason Tan

PhD Student (Computer Science); NSF

MD/PhD Student (MSTP, Cancer Biology), PD Soros Fellow, Joint: Gerald CrabtreeMPhil Chemistry, Cambridge UniversityBA Chemistry, Princeton Universitysamhkim@stanford.edu

MD/PhD Student (MSTP, Cancer Biology), PD Soros Fellow, joint: Gerald Crabtree

MPhil Chemistry, Cambridge University

BA Chemistry, Princeton University


sam kim

MSTP Student (Cancer Biology); PD Soros

Postdoctoral Researcher, joint: Anshul Kundaje

PhD Quantitative Life Sciences, McGill University


Selin Jessa

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Student (Immunology), joint: Sean Bendall

BS Biochemistry, Miami University (OH)


Warren Reynolds

PhD Student (Immunology)

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Cancer Biology and Genomics, University of Southern California

MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern California

BS Biological Science, Shandong Normal University


Zhifei Luo

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Student (Bioengineering)BASc Engineering Science, University of Torontoliubetty@stanford.edu

PhD Student (Bioengineering)

BASc Engineering Science, University of Toronto


Betty Liu

PhD Student (Bioengineering)

Postdoctoral ResearcherPhD Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotMSc Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotBSc Agri Animal Sciences and Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovoteyalmetzlraz@stanford.edu

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

MSc Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

BSc Agri Animal Sciences and Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot


eyal metzl-raz

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Chemistry, Harvard University

BS Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)


Guiping Wang

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Student (Bioengineering), NSF GRFP FellowBS Bioengineering, Stanford Universityjschaepe@stanford.edu

PhD Student (Bioengineering), NSF GRFP Fellow

BS Bioengineering, Stanford University


Julia Marie Schaepe

PhD Student (Bioengineering); NSF

Postdoctoral ResearcherPhD Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMPhill Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridgeklemm@stanford.edu

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MPhill Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge


Sandy Klemm

Postdoctoral Researcher

LSRP ResearcherBS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton Universitysijh@stanford.edu

LSRP Researcher & Administrative Assistant

BS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University


Soon Il Higashino

LSRP Researcher & Admin. Assistant

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD Biochemistry, Johns Hopkins University

BS Biological Sciences, Tsinghua University


Yi Zhu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Assistant (LSRP)

BA Biology, Harvard University


Carlie McGrath

LSRP Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher, Joint: Anshul KundajePhD California Institute of TechnologyBS Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technologymarinovg@stanford.edu

Postdoctoral Researcher, joint: Anshul Kundaje

PhD, California Institute of Technology

BS Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Georgi Marinov

Postdoctoral Researcher

Software Developer

BSc Microbiology & Immunology, University of British Columbia

MS Information and Data Science, University of California at Berkeley


Immanuel Abdi

Software Developer

PhD Student (Bioengineering)

MSc Experimental Medicine, McGill University

BSc Microbiology & Immunology, McGill University


Owen Dunkley

PhD Student (Bioengineering)

Postdoctoral Researcher

BA in Chemistry and Studio Art, Dartmouth College

MS in Biotechnology (Focus: Molecular Targets and Drug Discovery), Johns Hopkins University

PhD in Genome Sciences; University of Washington


Sayeh Gorjifard

Postdoctoral Researcher

Resident (Pathology)

MD and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania

BS in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Tong Wang

Resident (Pathology)

PhD Student (Bioengineering), joint: Mark Schnitzer

BS Biological Sciences, Tsinghua University


Yuxi Ke

PhD Student (Bioengineering)